Frances haugen norwegian

Frances Haugen – Wikipedia

Frances Haugen – Wikipedia

Frances Haugen er en amerikansk dataingeniør, dataforsker og varsler. Hun har norsk avstamning. Høsten 2021 varslet hun amerikanske myndigheter ved …

Senator kjem med åtvaring til Zuckerberg – NRK Norge

Frances Haugen – Wikipedia

Frances Haugen (born 1983 or 1984) is an American product manager, data engineer and … Haugen has Norwegian ancestry and was awarded an America-Norway Heritage …

Is Facebook undermining democracy and creating harm?

5. okt. 2021 — Facebook har for mykje makt, meiner varslaren Frances Haugen. No lovar Kongressen handling mot tech-giganten.

Who is Frances Haugen Norway? Biography, Wiki, Age …

Nobel Peace Center | Nobel Peace Center

31. mar. 2022 — Frances Haugen is a specialist in algorithmic product management, having worked on ranking algorithms at Google, Pinterest, Yelp and Facebook.

Nobel Peace Center


Nobels Fredssenter | Nobels Fredssenter

31. mar. 2022 — Frances Haugen is a specialist in algorithmic product management, having worked on ranking algorithms at Google, Pinterest, Yelp and Facebook.

Nobels Fredssenter presenterer fredsprisvinnerne og deres arbeid og historien om Alfred Nobel. Senteret er en arena for debatt og refleksjon om aktuelle temaer som krig, fred og konfliktløsning

Frances Haugen asks Government Pension Fund of Norway …

Who is Frances Haugen Norway? Biography, Wiki, Age, Facebook Whistleblower, Family, Net Worth & Revealed Identity » The Educationist Hub

3. okt. 2021 — Frances Haugen is a former Facebook employee who turned out to be a whistleblower who provided the Wall Street Journal with private …

Frances Haugen is a former Facebook employee who turned out to be a whistleblower who provided the Wall Street Journal with private …

Frances Haugen biography: 13 things about ex-Facebook …


10. aug. 2022 — FACEBOOK-VARSLER FRANCES HAUGEN MOTTAR HERITAGE-PRISEN. The America-Norway Heritage Award gis til norsk-amerikanere som gjennom sitt arbeid …

Frances Haugen asks Government Pension Fund of Norway to sell out of Meta | Hacker News

While the title is in Norwegian, more appropriate title: “Frances Haugen asks … for the event at the Nobel Peace Center where Haugen was debating.

Frances Haugen biography: 13 things about ex-Facebook product manager from Iowa – CONAN Daily

4. okt. 2021 — Frances Bordwell Haugen is a white woman originally from Iowa, United States. She has lived in different parts of California, USA including …

Frances Bordwell Haugen is a white woman originally from Iowa, United States. She has lived in different parts of California, USA including Emeryville, Mountain View and San Francisco. Haugen previously lived in Iowa City, Iowa and in Brookline, Massachusetts, USA. Here are 13 more things about her: Frances Bordwell Haugen From 1998 to 2003, she…

Keywords: frances haugen norwegian